
Recruitment resources collection

A collection of recruitment materials and resources.

There are 12 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2008/00432 Form Prospect membership application form (Isle of Man) 02 January 2008
2012/00907 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: campaigning locally 07 June 2012
2012/00909 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: communicating with members 07 June 2012
2012/00910 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: excuses for not joining 07 June 2012
2012/00911 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: getting organised 07 June 2012
2012/00912 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: time off for your union activities 07 June 2012
2012/00913 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: what Prospect reps do 07 June 2012
2012/00914 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: why everyone should join a union 07 June 2012
2012/00915 Knowledge Document Recruitment factsheet: you are not alone! 07 June 2012
2015/00812 Form Prospect membership application form 01 July 2015
2015/00813 Form Prospect membership application form Cymraeg/Welsh version 01 July 2015
2009/00650 Rep's guide Reps' handbook 17 September 2021